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(新着情報/最新消息/새로운 소식)

We are planning to update this website for the 10th conference of AAFT.

The registration & Call for proposal will open in April, 2025 for attendees and presenters.
To get the updated information, please register the form below!
Plenary Speaker (基調講演)

Harlene Anderson, Ph.D.

Harlene Anderson, Ph.D., is founding member of the Houston Galveston Institute, the Taos Institute, and Access Success. She is recognized internationally as being at the leading edge of postmodern collaborative practices as a thinker, consultant, coach, and educator. 

She takes her tools — her insights, her curiosity, her engaging conversational style, her leadership skills and her keen interest — to help professionals turn theory into new and often surprising possibilities for their clients, students, and organizations. She embodies her own belief in learning as a lifelong process — inviting, encouraging and challenging people to be inquisitive, creative, authentic, and open to the ever-present possibilities for newness in others — and in themselves.

Harlene has authored and co-authored numerous professional writings including her book Conversation, Language, and Possibilities — A Postmodern Approach to Therapy. She is a member of the editorial review boards of several journals, has presented at numerous national and international conferences and has consulted with a variety of organizations.

Among her many awards are the prestigious 2000 Outstanding Contributions to Marriage and Family Therapy Award from the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and the 1998 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Texas Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. In 2024, Harlene was recognized by the Institute of Psychology at the China Academy of Sciences with an Award for Distinguished Contribution to Collaborative-Dialogic Practices in China, presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Traditional Chinese Culture and Postmodern Psychology.


What is AAFT?


Asian Academy of Family Therapy (AAFT) is a charitable and non-profit organization with a vision to promote family therapy research, training, and practice in Asia. 

Our headquarters is established in Hong Kong, with members from all over Asia, including Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Mainland China, Singapore, and Malaysia.


The Asian Academy of Family Therapy (AAFT) was formed by the same group of visionaries who had created the HKU Family Institute (HKUFI) a decade ago. Having started as the Academy of Family Therapy in 2012, it became the Asian Academy of Family Therapy in 2015 to reflect the interests and activities of other family therapists in the Asian region who wish to join our venture.  

Okinawa Convention Center

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